Videos of presentations from the EMP-E conference 2017
15 AUGUST 2017
We’ve just added 17 videos of presentations from the EMP-E conference to the EMP-E pages.
Focus Report on economic impacts
Macroeconomic and distributional impacts of decarbonisation pathways
Focus Report on behavioural effects and distributional impacts
Policy Brief – The Role of Behaviour and Heterogeneity for the Adoption of Technologies
Focus Report on climate impacts on the Energy-Food-Water nexus
Focus Report on LCA and critical material demand for energy technologies
Innovation Readiness Level assessments
Stakeholder Interaction Portal
Online Energy Systems Learning Simulation
Acronym: REEEM
Title: Role of technologies in an energy efficient economy – model based analysis policy measures and transformation pathways to a sustainable energy system
Call: H2020-LCE
Funding scheme: RIA – Research and innovation action
Grant agreement no.: 691739
Duration: 42 Months
Start date: February 2016
Estimated Project cost: €3,997,458.75
Requested EU contribution: €3,997,458.75
Total effort: 423.5 Person-months
Project coordinator: Mark Howells – Department of Energy Technology, School of Industrial Engineering and Management, Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan (KTH Royal Institute of Technology)
Project Officer: Manuela Conconi
15 AUGUST 2017
We’ve just added 17 videos of presentations from the EMP-E conference to the EMP-E pages.