REEEM participated to the Decarbonisation Projects Networking Workshop
14 MARCH 2018
On behalf of REEEM, KTH took part to the Decarbonisation Projects Networking Workshop co-organised by the European Commission's DG RTD and the Executive Agency for SMEs (EASME) on February 7th, 2018.
Two sessions of the workshop were dedicated to panel discussions on zero-emission pathways and on the costs & challenges of the low-carbon transition in the main emitting sectors in the EU; one session was dedicated to poster presentations, where REEEM contributed with a work on ''; the last session consisted in a roundtable between all the projects on themes of common interest such as cooperation between EU-funded projects, best D&E practices and science-policy interface.
REEEM shared experiences related to its collaboration with the other LCE21-2015 projects, MEDEAS, REflex and SET-Nav, to the creation of the Energy Modelling Platform for Europe (EMP-E), to the use of open source stakeholder engagement models, open source databases and gaming platforms for dissemination. Numerous projects took part to the meeting besides the LCE21-2015 projects, among which CD-LINKS, DEEDS, GREENWIN, TRANSRISK, SIM4NEXUS, CARISMA, EUCALC, INNOPATHS, REINVENT and MAGIC.
The REEEM poster presented at the workshop can be dowloaded here.