Upcoming EMP-E 2018 meeting: Modelling clean energy pathways
14 MARCH 2018
The next meeting of the Energy Modelling Platform for Europe (EMP-E) will be held held on September 25th-26th in Brussels, at the premises of the European Commission's DG R&I.
Key themes discussed at the 2018 meeting will be Innovation in the energy transition, Integrated modelling of energy and resource efficiency and Modelling of behavioural aspects. The first day will be dedicated to plenary sessions, while the second day will be dedicated to parallel focus group sessions. On both days the participants will be provided space and time for poster presentations on their modelling activities, research and insights. Linked to the event, a call for papers for a Special Issue of Energy Strategy Reviews (Elsevier) will be issued, with deadline for full paper submission on September 12th.
Led by the Horizon 2020 projects MEDEAS, REEEM, REflex and SET-Nav, EMP-E constitutes a continuous forum for exchanging research, development and practice of energy system modelling in Europe and, where feasible, promote the sharing of data and resources. It culminates in a yearly conference, bringing together scientists and policy makers to discuss cutting edge energy modelling issues.