REEEM participates at a High Level Workshop to inform the revised long-term EU decarbonisation strategy
On June 28th, REEEM took part in the High Level Workshop on 'R&I contribution to the strategy for long term EU greenhouse gas emissions reduction' held in Brussels, at the Headquarters of the European Commission's DG R&I.
The workshop was organised by DG Clima and DG R&I in the context of the consultation process for the revised long-term EU decarbonisation strategy looking at 2050 and beyond. REEEM and five other projects (CDLINKS, CARISMA, ADVANCE, REINVENT, INNOPATHS and TRANSRISK) presented their findings to EPSC, DG CLIMA, DG ENER, and other Commission Services to identify those lessons from R&I Actions which can directly inform the revised long-term strategy.
Dr. Francesco Gardumi presented on behalf of REEEM, with focus on REEEM's pilot thought experiment and integrated impact assessment and on the importance of openness and transparency to engage the society in the transition to a low-carbon economy.