EMP-E 2019 now open for registration
17 APRIL 2019
On 8th – 9th October 2019, the Energy Modelling Platform for Europe Conference (EMP-E 2019) will take place for the third time. This conference is hosted by nine projects funded within the European Union's Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation programme – MEDEAS , MAGIC, MAGNITUDE, plan4res, PLANET, REEEM, Reflex, SET-Nav and Spine – and is open to experts, scientists and policy makers, to exchange views and research on current energy modelling issues.
The conference takes place in Brussels at the European Commission. In four plenary sessions, the key themes of “Pathways and scenarios towards the Paris agreement”, “Decarbonisation of cities: modelling energy transition, sector coupling and cross-sectoral challenges”, “Investments as a key factor to RES implementation in the EU” and “The effects of externalisation on decarbonisation pathways” will be discussed. More detailed discussions and active work will be possible in different focus groups.
The full agenda is available on the EMP-E website.
Additionally, participants are invited to present their current research in a poster session, the “Call for Posters” ends April 26th. More information on the submission process can be found here.
The registration for participating in the EMP-E is now open. Please register here.