The REEEM project is divided into 7 core work packages (WPs 1-7) and 1 supporting work package on “Project Management” (WP8), which are briefly described below.
WP1 “Transformation Strategies and Pathways” - leader KTH
WP1 defines the various pathways assessed as part of this proposal. It identifies overarching socio-economic drivers and supportive policy measures, and translates them into key assumptions for the pathway clusters for further refinement in the other work packages. This work package further combines, interprets and summarizes the results from the pathways analysis of the other work packages and provides recommendations on energy strategies.
- Help to ensure that pathways are of political relevance to the EU energy policy dialogue
- Define the pathways consistently across the various work packages and modelling tools
- Develop environmental, economic and social indicators for assessing the impacts across the pathways
- Synthesize assessment results from WPs 2 – 6 in a single process, ensuring that a distinct, holistic assessment of energy technology implications is provided for each pathway, balanced across society, environment and economy. This will include energy strategy recommendations
WP2 “Technology and Innovation” - leader KIC IE
WP2 will identify key parameters and indicators to measure technology development. Using the SET-Plan as a basis, WP2 will consolidate a comprehensive inventory of energy technologies and explore their role in the transformation pathways of the overall energy system. Primary outputs of this WP will be Technology Roadmaps that are supplemented with Innovation Readiness Level assessments – which represent the “market pull” aspect of energy technology deployment.
- Develop Technology Roadmaps and Market Potentials for key technologies
- Map out the Innovation Readiness Level of energy technologies
- Develop a methodology for linking technology innovation to energy-economic models
- Improve the technology representation in energy system models
- Measure the impacts of technology innovation through economic, societal and environmental indicators
WP3 “Economy” - leader USTUTT
WP3 will model and analyse the economic impacts of energy development and innovation in the energy system and corresponding technology policy measures in the framework of the SET-Plan. This helps to understand interactions between the energy system and the EU economy such as distributional impacts and “winners and losers” of specific energy pathways.
- Analyse interactions and interdependencies with the energy system and the economy
- Provide macroeconomic energy demand feedbacks
- Analyse allocative impacts of different policies and technological developments in the EU economy
- Assess distributional impacts and identify “winners and losers” (e.g., gains and losses of sectoral competitiveness, net job creation or budgetary implications for households)
- Derive and present strategy recommendations
WP4 “Society, Consumers and Behaviour” - leader UCL
WP4 plays a dual-role: First, it will better integrate behaviour and consumer heterogeneity into the modelling of the energy system-wide low carbon transition. Second, it will assess the impacts of the SET-Plan on individuals across the EU and across different demographic groups. It will also analyse the larger impacts on the society and on policy requirements.
- Improve the understanding and modelling of consumer choice
- Assess how consumer preferences may differ across countries and how these differences might affect energy system transitions
- Assess and downscale the distribution impacts of specific SET pathways
- Evaluate the energy poverty related policies in the context of the SET-Plan and provide recommendations
- Derive and present strategy recommendations
WP5 “Environment, Health and Resources” - leader DTU
WP5 will look at environmental impacts of the European energy system and related external costs. It will create a broad set of environmental, health and resource indicators and study how following the EU SET-Plan can influence these indicators. It will also assess how resilient different SET transitions may be to the impacts caused by the changing climate.
- Assess health impacts from air pollution associated with different pathways
- Perform Life Cycle Assessments for alternative energy systems
- Investigate the role of critical materials in different transition pathways
- Evaluate the robustness of pathways to the impact of climate change
- Study the impacts and links of the energy system with water, land-use and ecosystem services
WP6 “Energy Systems Integration” - leader USTUTT
WP6 will develop an Integrated European Energy System Model which holistically represents energy resources, supply and demand technologies and related infrastructure. It will enable the analysis of demands, as well as environmental, social and economic impacts. A special focus is the impact of technological development and innovation on the energy system and the modelling of related EU policy measures. This work package will act as the modelling centrepiece by coordinating the data exchange with the satellite models in work packages 3, 4 and 5.
- Develop an Integrated European Energy System Model which holistically represents energy resources, supply and demand technologies and infrastructures
- Determine the impact of technological development and innovation on the energy system
- Model the impact of policy measures in the framework of key EU policy documents
WP7 “Stakeholder Engagement and Dissemination” - leader TOKNI
WP7 has the function of disseminating the insights gained from the project, and to get feedback from stakeholders to improve the models and other material being developed in the project. A range of stakeholder engagement tools and events will further be developed within this work package, which will be made available to stakeholders along with general information and outputs of the project.
- Provide information about the project to stakeholders and the public
- Establish an information system which will ensure that assumptions, input data, methods and results used and produced in the project are transparent and verifiable by external parties
- Lower the barriers for stakeholders to engage in energy modelling by creating an Open-source Engagement Model based on OSeMOSYS
- Create an integrated Energy Systems Learning Simulation to enable relevant stakeholders to “eye-level” discussions about the transformation of the energy system
- Engage with stakeholders with very different focuses on the energy system transformation process and the public
WP8 “Project Management” - leader KTH
WP8 will ensure a smooth and target-oriented implementation of the project in line with the time and budgetary restrictions. Accordingly, WP8 interacts with all of the other WPs and is the interface between the project and the EC for all issues governed in the grant agreement.
- Coordinate the Consortium and ensure effective communication between the work packages
- Implement effective financial and risk management as well as project controlling
- Ensure high quality and timely progress and cost reporting, including an effective communication with the EC. This includes ensuring the high quality of the results achieved